Thursday, July 1, 2010

Woke up to some pretty sad news today via Twitter. A band I really like, Madina Lake is going through some hard times. The bassist was walking in his hometown of Chicago to meet up with a friend. Along the way he came across a man beating up his wife. He immediately tried to stop the abuse and gained enough control to call the police. Afterwards though, that man jumped Matt (the bassist) and savagely beat him. He was left unconscious on the ground- both the wife and the man had left. He was eventually found. He's in the hospital. What gets me is that a third of his skull was removed to compensate for the swelling of his brain. Thankfully the hematoma stopped and his head is covered in ice to bring the swelling down. I read that he gained consciousness and can begin to speak but it's still very slow. I'm just so disgusted. It's not like I ever met Matt or even went to every concert in St. Louis. What I'm disgusted in is humanity. Honestly, this guy was beating up his WIFE and then almost killed someone trying to protect her. Thankfully, an arrest was made. His twin brother Nathan said something that stuck to me though. I don't know the exact words but it was about when you lose complete faith in humanity, it comes back a hundredfold proving you wrong. All the support and concern Nathan has received has been beautiful. I will be keeping Matt in my prayers and you should too. No one deserves this for trying to be helpful.

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