Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rain, rain, GO AWAY

Small glimmer of hope- the glow is the sunset
It looked a lot worse in person- what was headed our way

So far I'm pretty happy with how I've been keeping up with this. But then again, work starts up tomorrow so we'll see how the rest of the week goes. I was gonna go see Beauty and the Beast at the Muny with my friend Becca and her mom. We got there early cause we sat in the free seats. Let me just clarify, all day it was sunny and HOT HOT HOT. My car thermometer read 95 (though it felt like 105). When I got in the car w/ Becca she told me that there was a 90% chance of rain and at that point, it did not look like that at all. By the time we got to Forest Park, it definitely looked like a thunderstorm was coming and it didn't really pick up until we sat down in our seats. It was almost scary but we sat through the entire storm (Becca's mom packed umbrellas) At first it just seemed like the clouds were moving, but then a cold wind picked up and that's when the rain came. There was lightning this whole time too, before the rain as well. It was also really cool watching the storm pass. The clouds were moving so quickly and they looked really close to the ground. Some lighting bolts split off into 3 or 4 bolts and EVERYTIME there was lighting there would be a small scream from the crowd (THAT got annoying). The rain finally slowed down and at this point, it was supposed to be showtime but the stage was soaking wet. There was an announcement saying that the Muny was in contact with the National Weather Service and the rain was supposed to stop within a half hour. We sat, and began to see the sun setting which meant that the clouds were clearing. It was optimism for about 10 minutes. Then the rain began to fall again. We sat there for a another half hour then gave up. At this point, we wouldn't be home until 1 in the morning and we all have to get up early for work. So we left, and when I got home it was STILL raining. Did I mention how wet and cold I was? Right now I'm in sweat pants and fuzzy socks after practically bathing in my sweat earlier in the day. It wasn't a huge blow though. I've seen Beauty and the Beast, and the seats were free:)

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