Thursday, June 24, 2010

My First Blog

Hello all. I know that no one is going to read this. Oh well. I decided to start a blog because I think that it's a pretty cool way to stay updated with people. So what's going on with me? Hmmm. Well, I'm going to be starting my second year of the five year process of obtaining my Master's degree in Occupational Therapy. I work at Traffic Law Stop doing mainly reception work. I just got done with my volleyball game and we won. Woohoo. Actually it was pathetic. The score of our first game was 21-1 with RALLY SCORING. Tomorrow I'm going to Six Flags with my girls to lay out at the water park alllllll day. I'll be as red as a lobster haha .Well hopefully I'll be good at updating this:)

Currently listening to Alone by Heart

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