Monday, September 6, 2010


Ummmm, hi 0:) I've been bad, and very busy. Well, I'm going into my third week of school and I'm already overwhelmed. I guess I'll explain all of my classes to my lovely (and very few) readers. Mondays are longggggg. I have Abnormal Psych at 8:00AM and then a 3 hour break, which sounds nice, but all of my friends are either in class or doing work study so I'm normally just sitting at Kaldi's writing a paper or doing homework. Then it's off to Foundations of Occupational Therapy at 12:50. It gets out at 2:05 but then I have lab from 2:30 to 4:30. 2 hours doesn't seem that bad, but for some reason that class just drags on. I really hate Mondays. I think Tuesdays will be my favorite. I have Gross Anatomy lecture at 1:40, then lab right after. It's still a little too early to judge, but lab was actually fun. A lot of people don't think dissecting a human body is fun, but it was REALLY interesting. Wednesdays are the same as Monday, just no OT lab, and Gross Anatomy lecture on Thursday with no lab. On wednesday, I go to work right after class lets out, and then will have to go back to school for Gross Anatomy open lab. Thursdays I go to work right after class and then have volleyball. Fridays, I just work. I'm only taking 13 hours, but I can barely breathe now with Gross Anatomy. There is SO much to learn. We have to know the location of muscles. So, for example, the rectus femoris (part of the quadriceps) is medial to the vastus lateralis and lateral to the vastus medialis, superficial to the vastus intermedius. We need to know the innervation which is the femoral nerve, and the root level L2,3,4 (still trying to figure out how I'm going to memorize/study for that), and last but not least the actions. The rectus femoris helps in hip flexion and knee extension. Phew. That was just one muscle, and I only had to look up the root level, very proud of myself haha. I have made notecards AND a chart for the muscles so far, and tomorrow I'm going to get MORE muscles to memorize. Yayyyyyy. Well, I think I'm going to turn in. I have decided to attempt to read the Lord of the Rings trilogy because 1) I LOVE the movies and 2) I need to read something other than Harry Potter and textbooks:P Good night!

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